Friday, November 13, 2009

Winter Veggie and Grain Bake (serves 8)

1st layer:
1 cup wild rice
1 cup barley
1 medium onion-chopped

Rinse the rice and boil it for 10 minutes then drain, in another pan saute the onion. Then mix the barley, rice and onion and spread in the bottom of a pan, I used the turkey roaster as it has a lid.

2nd layer:
Various winter veg chopped about 4-8 cups total. We used 1 parsnip, 1 turnip, 1 sweet potato, 1/2 large yam, and about 10 mushrooms sliced. [We don't like winter squash that the original recipe calls for] Mix together and spread over the grains. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Pour over all this 1 cup apple juice and 3 cups water, lid on and bake 1 hour at 375 degrees.

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My newest cookbook is "Simply in Season" a Mennonite cookbook that focuses on cooking with what is available in each season. This is an adaptation of their winter recipe 'Wild Rice Vegetable Bake'. YUM YUM YUM

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